How I Reclaimed My Creativity

Trigger warning: Explicit language and details of drug use.
Passionate About Inspiring Others
My first day of freedom from active addiction was April 20, 2006. I used to say that I had lost everything: my relationships, my home, and my music career. The truth is, I gave them up. My higher power became the drug. I lived to use and I used to live.
See, I did not lose my music because of my addiction, I gave up my music for my addiction. Recovery has gifted music back to me, and so much more. To share these gifts with others is the reason I sing.
I gave up my music for crystal meth​
Before I got sober, I was suicidal and felt as though no one on earth could feel as lonely as I did. I had sabotaged every opportunity for success because I didn’t believe I was worthy of it. I had lost my life’s purpose.
I had always been a musician, but even after I got sober I found that I was unable to tap into my musical talents. My hands were so uncoordinated, I couldn’t play a simple chord on the piano. The muscles in my throat were so out of tune with the neurological messages from my brain that there were times I forgot how to swallow, let alone sing.
Desperation led to inspiration.
Craving a creative outlet, I started taking art classes at a community college. I did not paint the finest still-life, but working with my hands began to reconnect my neurological wiring. My grades improved from D’s to B’s, I sold a couple of oil paintings, and I found satisfaction in designing and making stained glass.
Then came a thought that changed everything: If I could start from scratch and become a decent visual artist, why couldn’t I go back to school and learn music again? I may not have the skills I used to have, but I could develop new ones. I could bring back the musician in me that was still alive somewhere.
I got a Master of Music degree from the University of Miami, began scoring award-winning films, and stumbled into a gig as a radio host. My career in music was rebooted; it was as though everything I touched turned to gold. Out of the darkness, my inner light began to shine brighter than ever before.
I began leading guided meditations for others in recovery groups and received much positive feedback. I decided to combine my experience as a composer, producer, and radio host to record some meditations so people could listen at home. These recordings led to invitations to facilitate workshops and retreats across the country. Soon people were asking me to coach them one-on-one.
I discovered a new sense of purpose.
Having much respect for the coaching profession, I returned to the University of Miami for their Professional Coach Certification program which is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). I was trained by Master Coaches who were the founders of the coaching profession. They have decades of experience coaching executives of Fortune 500 companies, U.S. military officers, and individuals from all walks of life.
Today, I work with those who are just starting the journey of sobriety and mental wellness. I also work with people who have been on the path for quite some time and are just beginning to reclaim their vision of their authentic selves. Being sober is not just about abstinence, it is about recovering the person you were born to be.
I am known for my extreme optimism, but that doesn’t mean my journey has been all sunshine and rainbows. I have experienced grief from losing a life partner, suffered lapses of mania and depression, as well as periods of severe financial crisis. But I have been able to do so without turning to alcohol or drugs. I have not harmed myself or others. Through it all, I have kept my integrity and faced challenges with courage.
I built a support system that included professional doctors and mentors who have also been through this process of transformation. I found new tools and a new understanding of self-care. In addition to staying sober, I stopped a 22-year smoking habit, lost 60 pounds, and built loving relationships based on trust and respect. All of these are outward manifestations of an inward transformation.
Whether speaking to a large audience, facilitating a workshop for a small group, or coaching an individual, I am humbled and honored whenever I see someone’s spark reignite their passion.
Are you ready to reach a new level of success? I can help you reclaim your creativity and navigate your path through sobriety. You are worthy!
ICF Associate Certified Coach
Certified Professional Coach, University of Miami
Composition & Arranging, Dick Grove School of Music
Master of Music, University of Miami, Frost School of Music
B.A. Music, University of LaVerne